Sunday, February 21, 2010

How is a 'Program without Purpose' like Socially Responsible Promotional Products?

I love Brian Tracy. If you don't know him, he is a long-time strategic alliance partner with BNI and a top speaker and writer. He says write a page a day. Make it a habit. Become one with the paper. Bloggers are supposed to write 3 times a week. How can I miss you if you never go away? Just keep writing, and you’ll think of something to say. Do bloggers fall by the wayside? You betcha! Not only that, but have you suffered the same? Are you ready to write a book? Is this considered rambling or just writing out loud?
Thinking about a scene from the 3rd Matrix movie where Neo is stuck at the Train Station. He meets 3 programs – a husband, wife and their daughter who is in the process of being smuggled out. You see, in the Machine World, every program has a purpose. This daughter was created out of love that 2 programs had for each other. The dialog between the husband and Neo revolves around Karma. The program is grateful for his karma. He loves his wife and daughter. These concepts seem bizarre to Neo – which a program speak of such things.

It is this conversation, along with others involving programs and humans alike that allows Neo to see other options to a Win/Lose War between man and machine.

How, you may be thinking, does this apply to Promotional Products? Historically, these giveaways, envelope stuffers, employee appreciation and customer thank you gifts have typically ranged in price from very inexpensive to high end and the majority were imported. Ranging from ultra trendy to practical they accomplished the job of getting a name out there and fulfilling a need or desire.

In the wake of many, imported products that have been discovered to be contaminated – promotional products included - the market has taken another look at “point of origin,” “green” and “organic” products.

Up until just a few years ago, it was nearly impossible to locate these products. Today they are coming out of the woodwork and believe it or not, many are imported.

Like Neo changing his perception of the programs that ran the Matrix, the public has changed their mind and in doing so – now demand quality, locally made products that are free from contamination.

The price-point driven flavor of the week has been replaced by products chosen with social responsibility in mind.

A most welcome benefit from all this is that businesses can begin to change the public’s perception of them and it can be done with socially responsible promotional products – imagine.

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